Penny & Jeff in London                    


Yes, the 'Cruiser was stolen

So, if you have me on Instant Messenger at all, you may have noticed my new IM name: "Jeff Sharpe - How to have your car stolen and returned in 48 hours." To answer your question: Yes, the 'Cruiser was stolen.

To save time, and me having to type it out repeatedly, here's the basic information:

Roommate (Shawn) let some guy take the Cruiser for a test drive > guy never came back > car stolen > Shawn calls police > Shawn freaks out > Jeff finds out > Jeff freaks out > Lynwood PD find car > no damage to car > bunch of random stuff in back > police have guy in custody > Shawn relieved > Jeff Happy

And that's the very short story of "How to have your car stolen and returned in 48 hours."


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