Penny & Jeff in London                    


Waiting to be wired

Wow - two weeks since the last posting, really sorry about that. I'm not following the core tenet of starting a new blog - you must post regularly, or no one will come back :(. Will try to be better - and I'm convinced that once we get internet at home, it'll be a bit easier.

So - what's new over here? Lots, I think, since the last post.

We're generally settling into all aspects of life in London - getting our flat more and more comfortable every day; finding our places at work; starting to have "normal" days instead of constantly running errands; going out with friends; and best of all - starting to plan fun things like trips and activities in London!!

Got a TV this last week...which was a huge developement (only in terms of impact - not in terms of the TV's actual size ;-)). Phone is coming on Tuesday....will get the number up on the sidebar soon.

Also the plan is to still get broadband soon....but I'm very frustrated with all of the ISV's over here right now, so we'll see. For some stupid reason, all of the modems that the ISV's provide are USB based only (no Cat 5 connection) - so, all of the wireless routers that I was looking at won't be compatible with the modems. Pretty dumb.

We went to Brighton on the English channel for Valentines day - which was a lot of fun. Sort of an impromptu trip (since our plans to see the Lion King fell through), and it worked out really well. Took the trainout on Saturday morning - happened to find a reasonable B&B right downtown - and just wondered around town for the wekend. Even managed to snag a table at a fairly nice italian restaurant without reservations :). (Was a pretty good meal - unfortunately they put a *ton* of hot pepper in Penny's dish....but she made it through ok :)).

Ok, well - I had better wrap this post up for now. It's almost time to go home!!! Think we're going to have a relaxing weekend around London - rent a movie tonight, and go out to Greenwich park tomorrow (and stand on the Prime Meridian!!).

We'll keep you posted ;) - we're starting to plan trips and everything....Chamonix in March, Scotland at some point soon, Isle of Wight in April....pretty exciting :).

Also - I know we owe everyone pictures....we'll try to get that sorted soon. AND - I'll try to get Penny to post on here soon :).

Ok, gotta run - best wishes for all our family & friends in the PNW & Oz.


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