Penny & Jeff in London                    


Dial up RULES ;-)

So - here I am, connected to the 'net from home for the first time. Supposedly we'll have broadband by next week sometime - but for now we're cruising the information superhighway at a whopping 48kbps. Really - it's not too bad, but it will be nice to be able to go a bit faster, listen to music online, and get the WLAN set up at some pont so we can do it all from the patio ;-).

So - what's new since we last posted.

The flat adventures are still continuing - but we're generally getting close to calling the place home. In the same week that we had our phone line connected (which had dramas all its own...apparently there was an asbestos scare in the transfer station which delayed!), we mysteriously lost our water supply for a couple of days. Father Thames giveth, and he taketh away ;-).

Not having running water - unless you expect it, while camping or something - can be very does have a way of putting life into perspective. Basically we ended up bringing water down from our upstairs neighbor every day, and using as little as possible. Let me tell you - cold showers (from a big water jug) in London in the winter are NOT fun. Apparently, where the actual water supply was for our individual flat was a bit of a mystery for the water company. So - they ended up having to dig up the sidewalk and install a 'stop-cock' (access point). Long story short - lots of confusion for all - but we had water a couple of days later. Posting our home phone number on the sidebar --->

We have had a fair bit of fun in the past couple weeks as well ;-).

On friday night we got all duded up and went to a ball for Penny's PwC workgroup at the Natural History Museum. Was a really cool venue - and we had a great time. We were a bit worried - as several people in her office said they weren't going, and the general level of enthusiasm was fairly low...but it turned out to be a lot of fun. Free food - free booze - good people - and decent music...not bad. Plus, it's always fun wearing a tux.

We also had our first London theatre experience the other week - which was a lot of fun. Went and saw Chicago at the Adelphi theatre on the strand. The production was really good, very funny w/good music - I hadn't seen the movie before, but will have to check it out now. Next on the list - Lion King, Stomp, and whatever we can score cheap tickets for :).

Penny joined the Gym down the road - which she's been enjoying for the most part - and believe it or not, I actually found a softball league and team to join in London! Went to the team's first practice last week - which was a bit interesting and different to what I'm used to - but a lot of fun. Oh - and just an illustration as to how small the world is - one of the captains of the team is an RHS and UW grad...craziness. Also have a Canuck from Vancouver on the team. So - I think I'm going to be a Breaker for the season ;-).

Other than that - we haven't gotten up to anything too exciting, just having a blast exploring the area. Went to Notting Hill & the markets there last weekend, found a great place for saturday brunch called S&M (for Sausage & Mash ;)), and I'm desparately trying to build up my Mexican cooking skills - as good Mexican, in my opinion, does not exist in London. So - I'm determined to become proficient at it. So far, my Pico de Gallo is pretty good (thanks to Kjersti!), and my corn tortillas (made from scratch!) are good as well. The rest....needs some more work ;-).

In planning mode for our trips right now - shooting for Scotland/Ireland in the next couple of weeks, hiking the Isle of Wight and Portugal in April, and then Majorca in May. All tentative...but that's what we're thinking. We were going to try to fit some skiing in - but the alps aparently got a big warm front off the med - and the snow's not all that great :(. We'll see.

Ok - this is getting rediculously long for one posting. Time to venture out and find a good Sunday roast :). As always - best wishes to all of you in the PNW & Oz! We miss you all.

(ps - Patsy & Brian win the "first to send Jeff a piece of mail" award ;-) Thanks guys ;-))


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