Penny & Jeff in London                    


Who's the best band ever??

Ozo-spankin'-matli, that's who.

We went and saw Ozomatli on Friday night at the Jazz Cafe in London & had an amazing time!! The venue was great, and the band was in top form. Easily on my top 5 concerts list....and I know that it was in Penny's top 2 :).

I was a bit concerned that we could only get seats to the show (all of the standing room was sold out) - but it worked out a lot better I think. We were only about 15 (5m) feet away from the front of the stage and about 10 feet above it. They played a good mix of old and new stuff - and the crowd was really into it. I'd like to think that we were the best balcony group they had all week (according to postings on the band's website - pretty much all of us were dancing most of the time (even if only in our seats)). Tried to call Tiff, DJ, & Drew and let you all listen to a bit...but have no idea if it worked at all.

What else did we do this past week...Pretty much business as usual really. I finally got my UK bank account sorted with HSBC...which is a HUGE relief and will make life a lot easier.

Oh!!! We booked flights and tickets for the Olympics in Greece!! Now we just have to sort out our accomodation ;-). Also booked flights for a trip to Portugal over Easter! Pretty exciting that we're starting to get some cool trips planned. Sticky part is that Penny gets a fair bit more PL than I we're working on how to best work around that. I think she has some spa trips planned :) maybe that's not so bad from her point of view ;-).

Quick update on the Mexican cooking: The tacos and quesadillas are coming along is the Pico. Tried to make baked tortilla chips on the weekend, but they were a bit too thick and turned out pretty hard...will have to work on those. I've been dreaming of starting a taco stand at the sunday market down the road...not that I'd have time to do it....but it's fun to think about. We went to a southwest style restaurant in our neighborhood called Sante Fe on saturday and had some pretty passable mexican dishes. Well, the burrito was good anyway. Plus, they had Negro Modelo...which is always a bonus :).

Right - well, I unfortunately have to keep this posting a bit short. Will try to post again later this week....may have some fun stories after St. Patrick's day on Wednesday :)!!!


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