Penny & Jeff in London                    


Wireless is my hero - and I'm a bit slow

At first glance, the title of this post may throw you off a bit. With more context, it becomes crystal clear...

I am currently huddled up on a wet, plastic garden chair on our patio on a misty London evening. "Why?" you ask? Well, this is the "slow" part. Today I participated in my first ever new business pitch at WaggEd in a small town near Manchester (about 2 hours away from London). It all went well, but in my haste to leave the office in time to make the meeting today, I may have left my keys in the office. Hence - I'm a bit slow.

The reason that I love wireless - is that 10 years ago when I locked myself out of my house, I was doomed to either attempted break-ins, or aimless wandering around the neighbourhood until someone with a key got home.

Now - I lock myself out, and I can hop online and blog about it. Talk about productivity :). Yay technology!

Penny should be home any moment with the keys, so I'll keep this one short.

Work's been going well for us - Penny is finally past the UK tax filing date, so it's slowed down a bit. I was in Prague last week for a project we were working on, so Penny came out and we made a weekend of it. A couple of co-workers did the same thing and a good time was had by all.

Other than that - I'm hooked on Xbox Live :). I've only been able to play one of my friends so far (Shawn), but look forward to playing others. My gamertag is "ElJefeSupreme" if any of you want to add me to your contacts.

Well, gotta run. Happy birthday to Greggie and Jim! And major conratulations to the Seitz family, and the entrance of their brand new baby girl Mary!! (click the Seitz link below for pics :)).

Ok - Penny's home. I'm cold. I'm going inside :).


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