Penny & Jeff in London                    


The Jet Set

Well - it happened again...

I just got back to Europe on Monday after a (mostly) great trip back to the states for DJ & Rena's wedding. Was great seeing everyone, the weddings were awesome (Josh & Melissa also got married), ate mexican food three times, got to spend a little (not enough) time with the family - and got to catch up with a lot of people...apologies to anyone we didn't have time to hang out with :( (especially the Wooster and Seitz families). Unfortunately, I had to work more than I had originally anticipated (hence the "mostly"), but c'est la vie.

So, what about the "it happened again" comment you ask? I am updating my blog right now from the Press Centre at TechEd Europe in Amsterdam...found out this past weekend that I was going, and was back on a plane to the Netherlands only 17 hours after arriving in London ;-). So this is what the Jet Set is all about...although somehow I don't think ol' blue eyes was singing about flying off to exotic locations to attend a trade show :).

The show's going well - meeting a lot of cool/interesting people, catching up with colleagues & contacts, and having a good time while we're at it. The event organizers threw a great Press/Analyst reception last night at the Maritime, free booze/cigars and a guy (who was dressed like a cross between Popeye and a greek sailor) walking around shucking oysters for people.
Haven't had much time for sight seeing so far - but hope to walk around a bit tonight...going out to watch the Netherlands/Portugal semi-finals in UEFA 2004...should be a laugh.

So - I'm out here until thursday night - and then it's back to London for one day in the office and hopefully a very relaxing weekend.

Oh - Good news! Looks like the beast is finally going to a new home!!! Will definitely feel good to get that off my back...and get it out of dad's hair (HUUGE thanks for looking after it for so long).

Jeez - almost forgot the other news. I got promoted at the beginning of last week! I'm now a Senior Account Executive (title levels are a bit different over the US it'd be equivalent to an Account Executive...or so I'm told) - anyway pretty cool stuff, definitely looking forward to this next year.

Well, I guess that's about it for now - we're closing down for the evening and are in desperate need of a good meal (and beer and football). Hope all are well - will update again soon (hopefully with more pictures).



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