Penny & Jeff in London                    


London Bombings - Round II

Sigh - well, it seems that London has been the target of another attack that is somewhat similar to the one we experienced two weeks ago...thankfully the magnitude isn't nearly as severe.

Firstly - Penny and I are safe and sound, and so are our friends and colleagues.

To be honest - it is just frustrating and annoying more than anything. Yes, there's an element of fear, and of concern - but more just pure annoyance that concern/doubt has been brought back into our lives after two weeks of returning to normalcy.

Regardless - we'll just keep on going. Will we think twice again before getting on a tube or a bus? Maybe for the slightest of moments...but it won't stop us (although thankfully neither Penny nor I use the tube or bus...we both walk).

On a lighter note -

We're going to France tomorrow to hang out for the weekend and watch the second to last stage of the Tour de France (hoping transport to the airport will be ok). Should be a good one - it's the individual time trial in St. Etienne, and it's the last really competitive stage of the tour (the last stage is basically a victory run).

So - if you're watching the Tour on Saturday, keep an eye out for Penny and I. We'll have a small rental car at some point, and we'll be parked on the side of the road waving our American (for Lance, George & DSC) and Australian (for Robbie McEwen) flags. I think we'll try to park somewhere on the approach to the category 3 peak at Col de la Gachet.

That's all for now - Allez Lance!


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