Penny & Jeff in London                    


Added some links --->

Oops - never got around to adding our home phone number to the site. (sorry mom ;-)). So, added some updated contact numbers on the right (home & Penny)- as well as some links to London info and some friends' blogs further down the page.

Not much to report since the weekend really - softball practice was rained out on sunday...which was a bit of a bummer, especially since I traveled about an hour to get out there. Yesterday and today have been fairly nice - spring is definitely starting :)!!

Oh, I forgot to mention in my post about Ozomatli - got to talk to Will-dog, and Jiro from the band a bit...seemed like really cool guys. Also - looks like Reggie Watts will be coming to London to play the same venue...going to have to check on tix soon. Hmm....Kim's friends with him...may be some guest list potential there ;-).

That's a definite bonus of being in London - the arts scene is huge...and most bands come through on tour at some point. A few friends from Oz saw Powderfinger ( from Brisbane!!!) on Friday night. Maroon 5 is also in town. Too many bands, too little time.

Tomorrow is saint Patrick's day - so we'll be going out with work friends & friends from Oz...should be a lot of fun :). Make sure to wear something green!!!


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