Penny & Jeff in London                    


Happy New Year (belated)

Greetings all, and Happy New Year - best wishes for 2006!

As you can probably imagine, one of my resolutions for this year was to post more often, so we'll see how long I can stick with it. To give me some incentive, I spent some time this past weekend redesigning the site to make it a bit fresher, and add some features that might enourage me post more.

Specifically - I've enabled comments, so you all can now comment on our blog, and tell us EXACTLY how lame I am for not getting around to posting enough :). Remember, this is a family site - no cussing... that means you, Bregel!. And, for those of you that are tech savvy enough, I've also set up an RSS feed so that you can subscribe to the site. For those of you who don't know what in the heck I'm talking about, read this, and you can get a good free RSS reader here. I'm happy to provide some limited tech support :).

So - we'll see how this resolution goes. Keep me honest!

In other news, we're doing pretty well. We both came back from our trip to Australia for Christmas tanned and relaxed (I'd tell you all about it, but the photos probably do it more justice - we had a great time). However, the London winter got rid of the tan in about a week...and I think we're almost losing grip on that that last shred of relaxation (both pretty busy at work, no suprises there).

Thankfully, we've already got a couple of trips that we're looking forward to (skiing in Chamonix again), and we're dreaming about where else we want to go in the coming year. Wanna help us decide? Book a trip to visit and tell us where you want to go ;-).

The new flat is going really well and we're settling in nicely. A few more decorations and pieces of furnature, and we may even post some pictures of the inside of the flat. Our new local pub is pretty nice as well :).

Going to keep this one short. Hope you like what we've done with the site, and hope you've all had a good start to your year. Happy Australia day to everyone in Oz!

Jeff & Penny


  • Thanks for finally posting!! And I quote-"Right - I'll make sure to post again before Christmas, time for bed."
    ok..Glad you hear some news about you all. Check my blog for stuff about us. You guys take care of yourselves...don't get too stressed.

    By Blogger Ian, at 7:19 AM  

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