Penny & Jeff in London                    



Going to be a very quick post, even though I know I've been neglecting the blog recently :(.

Well, the time has come - after lots of scratching my head in confusion and saying unpleasant things about our ISP and the manufacturer of our router - we finally have broadband and wireless set up in our flat. What does that mean, you ask? Well - I'm making this posting while sitting on the bed, without being connected by wires to anything :). Exciting stuff - well, maybe only if you're kinda geeky like me.

So - there goes that excuse, we really have to stay on top of this thing now :). Also - we get some free webspace, so theoretically we'll be putting some pictures up at some point.

We've had a good couple of weeks recently - but I'll have to recap that all for you tomorrow. Getting veeeerryyy sleeepy.....(ps - for those of you in the US, we hit daylight savings a couple of weeks before you do - so we're now 9 hours ahead of Seattle etc.).


PPS - Thanks to Urn for the generous offer of web design tips...funny, I don't remember asking...but they were useful all the same :). Will do something about that stuff soon.

PPPS - Thanks to Dad for pointing out that our home number is the same as my mobile number - will also fix that shortly :). For now, Jeff's a very tired kid.


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