Penny & Jeff in London                    


Not'cho business, or, Super Bowl Sunday

Ahh - there's nothing like watching the superbowl in a foreign land at 1:30 in the morning on a school night :). That early morning start tomorrow will be a bit rough...

In the spirit of Super Bowl Sunday, Penny and I decided to whip up an extra large batch of Nachos for dinner this evening, and boy was it good. For some reason, the Brits just do not know how to make good Nachos and it's been a while since I've had a good batch (June of 2004, to be exact). I won't go into the full technical specs of our creation, but I assure all of my fellow Nacho fans that I ensured even layering of toppings, equal chip distribution, and high quality ingridients. Nachos: art, or science - I'll leave it up to you to decide:

ps - my good friend Kjersti was the one who came up with the name 'Not'cho business' for an idea for a Nacho restaurant, so I had to give credit where it was due. KG - I still maintain that my Nacho business would take yours down, but I'm happy to form a strategic alliance.

I'm currently watching the game - and felt I should note a couple of things:

  • For those of you who don't follow American football, the Seattle Seahawks have made it to the Superbowl for the first time in team history. Pretty big deal for Seattle-ites the world 'round. They're playing the Pittsburgh Steelers.


  • ohh...Steelers just scored, again. Maybe I should call off that friendly wager in the office? Nah, GO HAWKS!

  • Not that football presenters have ever really been known for their intelligence, but the ones that they put on the international broadcasts are just horrid. For example - I just heard this come out of one of their mouths:

  • "That looked a bit like a scrum...something that our European viewers might be familiar with European football...err, rugby"

  • Also - they have someone from the England rugby team commenting. He's not doing too terribly, but really - are there no other qualified football presenters, anywhere?

  • I miss John Madden and his pen

  • I do like football, and it is entertaining to watch on its' own merit - but we don't get all of the ads outside of the US, and the superbowl is just not quite the same without them :( (I wish AdCritic was still free - yes, I'm a marketing geek)

  • They've been plugging NFL Europe a lot during the game. I had no idea it even existed, so I checked into it and oddly enough, there are about 5 teams...four of which are in Germany (the other is in Amsterdam). Why so many in Germany, I have no idea. Will have to check with my German colleagues tomorrow.

Well, it's getting late, and the game's getting close (10 mins left, 14-10, Steelers), so I had better run. Happy Super Bowl Sunday to all!

Jeff (Penny would say hi too, but she's sensible and went to sleep ;-))


  • Nachos!! w00t!

    We had nachos as well. But, it's probably a lot sweeter when they're hard to get. Nachos are still fairly common, here. I mean, sometimes, I sleep on a bed of nachos. Or, go swimming in my nacho pool.

    Mmmm... Nachos.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 6:15 PM  

  • Urnesto! Thanks for rubbing it in, jerk. For punishment, you need to find a way to FedEx me an order of the Pike Brewery BBQ chicken Nachos (my favorite nacho falling in the specialty category)

    (ps - are blogging these days? I can't find your address)

    By Blogger Jeff, at 2:34 PM  

  • I, too, have gone toward infrequent blog posts. I live at

    By Blogger Unknown, at 9:37 PM  

  • blogging....gone to.....pot. Must find.....another....way to.....keep in touch.....

    By Blogger Ian, at 8:21 PM  

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