Penny & Jeff in London                    


New photos are up!

So my good, and wise, friend Urn sent me this note a while back:

(n.) Short for Web log, a blog is a Web page that serves as a publicly accessible personal journal for an individual. Typically updated daily, blogs often reflect the personality of the author.

(v.) To author a Web log.

Other forms: Blogger (a person who blogs).
additional comment: probably updated more than ONCE A MONTH, especially when friends halfway around the globe are wanting to know what's going on with the author.

Point well taken...

Sorry to everyone for not updating in a while - been an exceedingly busy month+. Last month we had two international trips, first to the Olympics in Athens, then off to Prague for a long weekend at the end of the month.

In addition to all of that, work has been pretty manic for both of us. Manic in a good way though...have lots on for the fall, but it should be a lot of fun. More to come in this space...

The Olympics was great (pics are up) - I think we're hooked on the whole Olympics thing. We met a family there that had been to every Olympics for the past twenty years. Seems like a good forcing function for travel :). At the games we saw Beach Vollyball, Gymnastics, Swimming, Water Polo, Field Hockey and Baseball. We only saw the US in Swimming and Gymnastics...but managed to see Australia in almost every event ;-)...which, of course, suited Penny just fine. All of the events were good - but I think Beach Vollyball, Water Polo and Field Hockey were the best. Here's to Torino in '06 :).

Athens in general was a lot of fun as well - we ate more greek salad and souvlaki than you could shake a stick at, saw some pretty magnificent sights, enjoyed some very reasonably priced beer, laid on the beach for hours on end, and spent a lot of time swimming in the Aegean. Definately want to go back and explore the greek isles now :)...

Prague was also a really fun experience (pics are also up). We stayed in a great little apartment near the Prague Castle and pretty much spent all four days of the trip exploring the old parts of town, seeing the sights, enjoying some great food (who knew something called Goulash could taste so good!), and once again enjoyed some more very reasonably priced beer. I think you can probably start to see what a trip with Jeff and Penny would be like :). See sights, relax, find food, find beer.

Well, I should get back to work...trying to get this in on my lunch break :). A quick word on the pictures - still having problems with our ISP, so I've just posted the albums on Ofoto. For those of you who don't know - Ofoto is an online photo sharing/printing service by Kodak. Unfortunately, you will have to sign up for an account to see the pics :(. The good thing is that it's totally free - and it only asks for an email adress to get an account (not your entire life history).

Right - back to it. DJ, Rena, and Kyle get here tomorrow! Very much looking forward to that. We'll be in London until the 25th, when we will then shuttle off to Geneva, then the Swiss alps, and then the much anticipated Oktoberfest :-D.

Hope all is well with everyone in the states and Oz - you're in our thoughts (even if I don't remember to post ;-)).