Penny & Jeff in London                    


We've got snow!

We had a bit of excitment today with some snow in London! Finally! I blame the movies, but when we moved to London a few years ago, I had Dickensian visions of strolling down snow lined streets past red telephone boxes and gas powered street lights.

Our street with snow!

Ok, so I knew the gas lights wouldn't be around anymore, and I certainly didn't have a top hat and a cane, but I did think we would have a bit more snow over time. Much to my suprise - it tends to snow more in Seattle than in London (at least in my experience).

Anyhoo - we had some snow, and much like most other cities, London tends to have a bit of a breakdown at the smallest amount of snow and today was no different as Trains, the Tube, and Flights were all disrupted pretty heavily.

Thankfully I'm only reliant on my trusty two-wheeled steed for my commute, and although I was soaked by the time I got to work, it was good fun to ride around London in the snow.

Other excitements today included seeing sir Richard Branson in Covent Garden for the launch of Virgin Media's new cable/broadband offering in the UK. I think that's the only celebrity I've seen up close since I've been in London! Obviously I don't hang out in the right places.



  • Yes. Reaction to wheat worse...whooda thunk it. Couldn't eat for a week 6 months ago so stopped. Then ate something again the other day. BAD. Beer is out of the question. Will try to find the ones you sent. found another from UK, but its made with all sugars, and no grains....ALL SORTS OF SWEET that I did not want or expect.
    What's this about a mighty two-wheeled steed? As in bicycle? Or as in scooter? You trying to be like me?
    Might be coming to a wedding in a castle in Scotland...castle name is...something like...Carbisdale..found it That'll be later in the year. August maybe? ok. more like an email than a comment. sorry. later.

    By Blogger Ian, at 4:41 AM  

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