Penny & Jeff in London                    


Training for a half marathon in the winter is not the best of ideas...

Holidays, right? Lots of food, physical inactivity, general indulgence and good times. So when someone says - "who wants to do a half marathon in March," the guilt portion of your brain kicks in and says "YES - the perfect target to get me back in shape, sounds great!!"

Then three weeks later, you're running 6k in the dark while it's raining and 5 degrees celsius in the dead of a London winter...and you realise that being a bit tubby after the holidays might not be that bad of a thing afterall ;-).

And that's the story of how we're now training for the Reading Half Marathon on March 6th. Training is actually going fairly well, but it is pretty hard to motivate yourself to run at 7/8 pm when you've just gotten home from work. We have just over a month, so we should be ok.

Other than that, January's been fairly quiet. Work and training have been keeping us both busy...and we've generally been keeping a low profile after a busy December.

As for travel, we're off to Prague this weekend with several friends from work, should be a lot of fun. I'm heading there for business from Wed-Fri, so we thought we might as well make a weekend of it. We did go to Prague in we're hoping for a bit of snow, and we might try to get out of the city a bit. Worse comes to worse, there's still really good goulash and cheap beer!

We've also just booked another trip to Chamonix for easter, which we're pretty excited about. While the NW USA has been having an absolutely abysmal year for snow (sorry everyone), the alps just got a really big dump last week :-). Just hope it keeps going for the next two months!

From the technology desk - we just got an Xbox last week! Yippee! Early adopter I am not - but better late than never. We should be up on Xbox live this week, so we'll be able to play those of you who have it shortly. The games will be fun, but it'll be a good (and free) reason just to chat with everyone ;-). I'll post my Xbox live tag up here when we're online.

Also - for those of you with the latest MSN messenger beta - they've just made blogging a heckuva lot easier. I haven't set one up, but apparently the interface is very very easy and quick...and a lot of people who have never blogged before have jumped on the wagon. Personally - my favorite feature is the fact that you can see when your friends have updated just by looking at your contact list. Handy feature. There are still some issues as it's in beta...but you might want to check it out (have added some new MSN blogs to my blogroll on the right --->).

Hope all's well with everyone! Will post again soon!


New Pics! Christmas and Chamonix...

Well - I've been a bit remiss in my posting duties, but I'm getting our Christmas and New Years pics from Chamonix posted up on the right hand side ----->. Since a picture is worth 1000 words, and there's something like 50 pictures...I figure that makes up for the past month or so :).

Chamonix was awesome - really amazing place to go if you're a hard core skier, a complete beginner, or not interested in getting on the slopes at all. Something for everyone, really. The pics pretty much speak for themselves - but just a couple of observations to support them:

  • Wow, those mountains are steep and tall...nothing quite like anywhere else I've been.

  • The beer, burgers, and nachos at MBC far exceed anything on offer in London.

  • The people in French ski lift lines, are quite possibly the rudest of anywhere on the planet. I have the scratches on the top of my board to prove it.

  • Riding over rocks in low snow cover does, in fact, cause huge gouges in the base of one's snowboard :(.

  • Nutella crepes at any time of the day = heaven (I'm quite partial to the late night crepe run myself).

  • Pull lifts on a snowboard are not fun. And the pull lifts at Chamonix are insane...but generally worth it.

  • Chamonix on a bluebird day with lots of fresh snow would would be...amazing

  • We're going back :).

In other news, the new year has started and we've now been in the UK for about a year (me - 367 days, Penny - 355 days)...can't believe how quickly it's gone. Looking forward to the next 300 and some-odd days!

Right - time to call it a night, signing off for now. Happy new year to all, best wishes for 2005!